About Us
Corporate Culture
  • Zhang Zhixiang,Representative to the National People's Congress, Chairman and President of Jian-long Group  
    "Some tends to overestimate what one can do in one day, while underestimate what one can do in a year,Do well what we shall do every day, make some progress, small or big, every day, then we can accomplish the greatness over time."
  • Core concept of Jian - long  
    Our Mission: to achieve the dream and goal of Jian - long people

    Group vision: To become the top heavy industry company that leads in industrial development, enjoys social respects,

    and makes everyone of our employees proud.

    Group Spirit: To Strive 0nly for the Best, and to Start from the Small. Core Values: Integrity, Protocol, Teamwork, Excellence, and Mutual Benefit.

  • Jianlong Management Philosophy  
    Business philosophy: Our works benefit all, and We Work for the Future

    Human resource concept: Respects, Training, Motivation, and Accomplishment.

    Quality concept: Customers lnterests Always the First, Detailed Management Always the Rule

    Safety and environmental protection concept: to treasure life and cherish the environment